Keri Hilson - Knock You Down ft. Kanye West, Ne-Yo

Life isn t like this.. so dont take it serious

Merry X mas

A Beery Hollidays to you too..

Youtopia again..


Saturday night I went clubbing.

The night sky was a black sheet, and the full moon was stuck in it like a white thumb tack. I stopped at the first liquor license, parched from the arduous eight block walk. Club Dedo used to be goth, but now it's only gothesque, a kinder, gentler kind of goth. Five patrons stood on the sidewalk smoking as I walked up. The dress code was monochromatic black. I shook hands with the ones I knew, and slipped inside the nearly empty bar. All the clientèle was on smoke break.

I ordered a shot and a glass of water, and talked to Delia.

I got my last degree, she said. Now I'm a Sumerian priestess.

Apparently there are multiple enclaves of people practicing an ancient religion in El Paso. But that's a whole other story.

Loco was the only other customer inside when I got there. He's big and blocky, goateed, with a shaved head. I met him when he used to front a hardcore band in fishnet stockings. He and I caught up and swapped shouts, and pretty soon the place filled up with mohawks and extra eyeliner. In the dance floor next room strobes flashed like gunshots.

As I left Loco gave me his number.

Don't call me if everything's all right, he said. Call me when you need me.

I walked downtown. Traffic was light, and I didn't wait for the signals.

By the time I got to Soho I had to pee. I bolted through the door and made a beeline for the tatsefully appointed bathroom.

When I got to the bar the deejay was pumping out Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus. It was the last song that I'd recognize that night.

Surveying the bar I spotted a hot chick by the door.

Are you the door guy? I asked her.

I'm the bouncer.

I took her picture, and showed it to her from the back of my camera.

You look like a lion, I said.

I'm a tiger.

And I bet she is.

From Soho I intended to hit the Union district, but music from the Arts Plaza pulled me in. The patio around the new bar on the ground floor of the theater annex was peopled, but not exactly full. I walked around the front and between the two guys working the door.

Am I okay? I asked them.

You're fine, sir. Go ahead.

I wasn't sure my wardrobe was appropriate for El Paso's club scene. I wore blue jeans and bowling shoes, my best western shirt and black velour blazer. I thought I looked great, but there's no accounting for taste. As it turned out, my outfit was adequate for every place I went, and appropriate for every place except Dedo, which endorses black on black.

The club at the Plaza Theater is nice, fancy, and expensive. One ounce of premium tequila, served in a heavy clip joint shot glass engineered to fool the customer into thinking the drink is bigger than it is, cost eight bucks. I drank the shot and dropped a dollar tip and left.

At the door, I noticed another line under the marquee.

Is there a movie showing?

No, the door guy told me. That's the line to get to the upstairs bar.

I stood in line for the elevator for a couple of minutes before I decided I had bigger fish to fry.

On the other side of the civic center, the sidewalks had traffic before I got to the bridge. The alley percolated like a bee hive with circulating humanity.

Chuck sat on his pedicab in front of 1914.

You want a ride, Rich?

I'm going to Republic.

Get on.

We willowed through the throng, heavy on the handlebar bell. I passed the line and went to the VIP entrance and gave the bouncer the secret handshake.

Republic is, apparently, the hottest club on the planet. I should have worn baby oil to negotiate the crowd in front of the bar. Girls in bikinis syncopated on risers at both ends of the room. At floor level motion was apparent, but I couldn't really see anybody moving. It was like worms in a can.

I fell into the flow and crossed the room, and then climbed a step and crossed back over to the relative quiet of a less densely populated corner.

Passing through, I saw Chuck deBroder at a table. He said it's gonna rain.

By that time I'd had enough. Tequila. Water. Sensory overload. I vibrated through the crowd one more time and left through the gate I came in.

Note to all the bartenders: Don't dip my glass in salt before you serve me my premium tequila. Give it to me naked, as they say

In all, I'd say the state of the local night club industry is healthy, or at least the options for consumers. At least it was last Saturday.

Nice Chicks..

Vineri in Club Art 700 :))


Articole similare:
club Halloween party

De asemenea, si cluburile Timisorene vor fi "invadate" de zombii si fantome.Club Millenium te asteapta sa iti arati coltii, de vampir fireste, sa te pierzi printre dovleci si lilieci, sa vezi ce bine se simte Dracula in cosciug, sa dansezi dupa muzica mixata de SUPER Dj si sa participi la SUPER CONCURSURI!
Nici din club Sauvage nu va lipsa Halloween-ul. Asa ca, ai faca bine sa iti lasi hainele de firma puse bine in cufar, la naftalina si sa iti iei o masca pentru a petrece toata noaptea.
Nici Loredana Groza si Maria Radu nu vor rata petrecerile de Halloween. Cele doua artiste vor fi prezenta la Halloween Charity Ball, organizat de Leslie Hawk, singurul eveniment caritabil care utilizeaza peste 90% din fonduri pentru programele dedicate scolarizarii copiilor proveniti din familiile sarace. Asa ca daca vrei sa te si distrezi, dar si sa ajuti, atunci poti participa la acest bal.
Tot in Timisoara, studentii pot participa si la Halloween Salsa Weekend, care va reuni nume mari ale dansului sportiv din Brazilia, Cuba, Bolivia, Spania si Germania, instructori locali, dar si de la scolile de dans din tara. Nicistudentii clujeni nu se lasa mai prejos. Asa ca se pregatesc din greu pentru seara care vine. Si cum Halloween-ul e inca un motiv in plus pentru distractie, in cluburile clujene party-urile din aceasta seara nu vor lasa orasul sa doarma. Printre cluburile care organizeaza petreceri de Halloween se numara Club After Eight, Autograf Club, Obsession si Gold Club.

Tips to Choding – How to Avoid Talking to Girls in the Club.

Avoiding the Girls!

I have mastered the Art of Choding. It's a fine art.

I can go out maybe three four times a week and not talk to any girls. I shall let you in on my secrets. How to avoid girls and yet maintain a social presence.

Basic Steps To Choding:

Step 1.Head straight to the bar + buy a drink

Step 2. Buy another drink! Two drinks is socially acceptable. More than two drinks in succession is excessive. You're here to NOT approach girls after all.. not to get drunk!

Step 3. Move away from the bar and find a place to stand. A wall near the dance floor is optimal. You want somewhere near the action to make it look like you are actively involved in the night whilst not actually participating. Perfect. A secluded seat in a dark corner won't do. Again, you're purpose here is to look active whilst not doing anything.

Step 4. If you're with a buddy or two its best not to talk too much or do anything fun looking that might attract attention to yourself. Stand close together (i.e. chode crystallise) and keep conversation and interactions minimal. Holding your drink up to your chest with one hand in the pocket is optional. Personally I find it doesn't really affect my choding experience.

Step 5. Stare out into the room and play 'spot the hot girl' or my other favourite 'I wish I was having fun like them'. 'Hate on other guys having fun' is another game to play whilst looking around the room.

Step 6. Go to the toilet. Much time can be spent in the toilet. Other than relieving yourself, you can style your hair, check your shirt. Make sure your hands are well and truly dry after washing them. And course you can discuss the current economic climate or day to day politics with the toilet attendant. Another great reason to go to the toilet is you can return back to the bar after ward and repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.

Step 7. Bonus for smokers: Go outside and smoke! You can stand on your own here and away from any large groups that might draw you in. Have a serious or deep thought look on your face. No one will bother you. It's a great way to pass the night before its time to go home. Non smokers with smoker friends can join them especially if it means not being left in the club alone.

Extra Advice:
During any of the steps above – You can do the tried and tested move of pulling out your phone and looking at it like you just received a text message. Great move. Sure, it doesn't take up much time but it subtly adds to the air of looking socially involved whilst not actually doing anything.

Avoiding eye contact at all times.
Important if you accidentally make eye contact with a girl.. break immediately! Look up or down, doesn't matter where but look as if something interesting has caught your attention in the light fixture or on the wall. Don't look back in the girls direction for a good 5minutes.

Happy Choding!!

Show erotic

Once upon a time at River Deck

The youth ministers says:

Sweet Summer..

College Party Tips

As college students get older, it gets easier to get into college parties. Experience is the key, if you like to party find other people who like to party as well, and you stay in the loop. Good looking freshman girls usually know where all the parties are, because upper classmen guys love to tell them where the part is.


Get Involved at College

Being involved in things at school, will help you meet people and find out what college parties people are going to. Be friendly to everyone, because you never know who you will run into. If fraternities and sororities are big at your school, join one. If thats not your thing join a club or organization. Do something to get out there and meet people. The more people you know the better your college experience will be (plus it could help you find a job after you graduate).

Don't Roll up to a college party deep with dudes

If you are a large group of guys with few or no girls, chances in you wont get in, especially later in the night. Break up into smaller groups, and guys should try to always roll to parties with girls anyway. As it gets later in the semester college students should have a good feel of where the like to go, and where they know they can get in.


Don't complain about paying $5 to drink all night

If you go to a school where you have to pay to drink, don't complain about paying $5 to drink all night. We understand its a dark basement with a keg of "natty" lite, but suck it up its college, when you go to the bars you will drop $5 within the first half hour (unless your good at finding cheap bars)

Don't bring your jacket to a college party

Unless there is a blizzard, leave the jacket at home, carrying it is a pain, and so is trying to find it in a locked room later on that night. Tip: pre-game a lot before you go out and you will have your "beer jacket" on (the alcohol will keep you warm).

Don't argue or fight with the people running the party

It does not matter how right or wrong you are, its their party they make the final decision of weather or not you are getting in. Chances are they have a lot of friends inside who are all liquored up and just itching to get into a fight. Don't tell them you know someone if you dont, this will just piss them off even more.


Watch what shoes you wear

If your college has parties in dirty basements, choose your footware accordingly. "Beer sludge" can ruin a pair of shoes in one night. It's usually a good idea to designate a few pair of shoes as "basement party shoes" to be sure you don't ruin good ones. If you decide to wear sandals be prepared to have your feet look like you're a homeless person.

Pre-game with your friends before you go out

Its always more fun to go out with at least a little buzz on. Get together with your friends at least a half hour before you head out to the party, so you can get your drink on. Power hour is a big favorite, but make sure you use beer, not liquor or else you won't make it out.

Lenjerie intimă şi accesorii trendy în No Name

Timişoara - Clubul No Name a fost, sâmbătă seara, gazda unui fashion – party cu adevărat glamour. Manechinele de la agenţia Select Models au furat privirile asistenţei şi au defilat cu eleganţă în faţa zecilor de spectatori puşi pe distracţie.

Lenjerie intimă şi accesorii trendy în No Name

De această dată, nu numai băieţii din public au putut să-şi clătească ochii cu frumoasele manechine – fetele au fost la rândul lor privilegiate, deoarece pe „catwalk” au urcat şi câţiva băieţi deosebit de arătoşi. S-a început cu o prezentare de lenjerie intimă destul de „cuminte”, destinată femeilor, din care nu au lipsit costumul marinăresc sau body-ul strâmt şi sexy. A urmat o colecţie pentru bărbaţi, stilul casual-urban, unde blugii şi puloverele „de toată ziua” au fost cap de afiş. Mai apoi, fetele au prezentat publicului ultimele trenduri în materie de poşete şi gentuţe, iar la final pe podium s-a întors lenjeria intimă, de această dată mult mai provocatoare – desuuri transparente şi deux-piece-uri perfecte pentru o noapte fierbinte de Sfântul Valentin.

Ay Caramba

Nice bunny

Club Art

Chocholate girl fight (Available Only in Romanian language )

Despre eveniment:

axe party heaven (55)_bReteta unei petreceri reusite: se ia o armata de fete frumoase, se pun la cale cateva concursuri, se ofera cateva cockteiluri gratuite din partea casei sau in urma unor concursuri, se ia un bazin cu ciocolata unde se introduc doua fete. Noaptea de joi organizata de Clubmanagement la Heaven Studio a programat de aceasta data Axe Chocolate Party.

axe party heaven (44)Curajosii au fost invitati sa atraga cat mai multe fete in zona Dark Temptation inscriindu-se in competitia celor mai irezistibili cuceritori.

La final s-a ales si un castigator care reprezinta orasul nostru in competitia nationala in care sponsorul pune la bataie pentru acesta si inca trei prieteni un weekend la Amsterdam impreuna cu armata lui Choco Man.

Ei bine, momentul cel mai gustat al party-ului a fost acela in care doua fete s-au luptat intr-un bazin de ciocolata. La inceput mai timid, apoi mai impresionant. Castigatorul a fost invitat si el sa se arunce in bazin.

Dupa ce si-a scos mobilul din buzunar, fara a sovai prea mult s-a aruncat spre deliciul celor prezenti. Heaven Studio a fost arhiplin pentru aceasta petrecere.

„Seria de petreceri sub acest generic continua in principalele orase din tara iar castigatorii vor participa la finala din Bucuresti a evenimentului“, ne/a declarat Raluca Andreescu din partea organizatorilor.

axe party heaven (49)_b

Bucharest says: Madona Stinks

One of the cheap 'st concert ever made was in Bucharest (26.09.2009) , more than 40 000 people did wait for madona more than 2 hours and when she finnaly made it she did a stinkin playback , if you had the luck to sit behind the second line you couldn t sea anything or hear a word... good for you madona and you re stinkin business (she did it only for the money)
So... if you are thinkin to go to a madona concert... stay home... in god s name stay home...

Club Dark

well this is a healthy meal..

It was lunch hour when I got the word that Wicked was popping up in my neighbourhood. I had been wondering what they were doing to The Vatikan as of late. I remember passing by and seeing the upstairs lights on, noticing contractors walking around and thinking what an amazing loft apartment that could be. Little did I know that it is the new locale for one of Canada's largest hedonistic clubs.

Wicked is opening up on Queen Street West and Brookfield and claims to be an upscale Swinger's Club that caters to the 25-35 year old crowd complete with "love furniture", communal showers, a multi-tiered orgy room and oh yeah, a DJ spinning a soundtrack to your provocative evening.

The new "red light-esque" establishment basically has free reign now that the Supreme Court of Canada has legalized Swinger's Clubs where consenting adults can engage in sexual activity behind closed doors and even have an audience without suffering any illegal consequence.

Described on their website as a "safe environment where you can live out your wildest sexual fantasies no matter how wild or mild," Level 1 is the "off-premise" area of Wicked. Every Saturday there is a new themed sexy party. This area is reserved for the reserved. Only exhibitionism, flirting, kissing, fondling and dirty dancing are allowed. If you want full penetration/"on-premise action", you'll have to venture over to the VIP suites where daily memberships are $10.00 for women and $60.00 for a couple. For all those men folk out'll have trouble getting in without a lady on your arm and don't forget to be good lookin'--Wicked will turn you away if you, your bod, your sophistication and your style just doesn't cut it.


If you think you have what it takes, you can apply online for a membership but you must attach two of your most tantalizing photos for fear of being rejected at the door. However, if you think that may be the case, you can click on over to Wicked's version of Lavalife called "Fling in the City" and try to snag a date or...uhhh...something.

Sure some of the neighbours are up in arms about having "Toronto's Premiere Erotic Party for Selective Women and their Partners" in their 'hood but there are about 12 other Swinger's Clubs in the GTA and co-owner, Aurora Benzion, seems to say that they have a great track record with over 15 000 exclusive and "sophisticated" members. Whether one chooses to believe that is another story. But think about it, we've gotthe mental hospital on one end, The Drake on the other, why not add another crazy thing in the middle? Funnily enough when I arrived home from work and turned on CityNews, a friend of mine was commenting on this very same thing and I think he said it best, "A swingers club in MY neighbourhood? I think it's great. Swing Along!" Nice Casey...nice.

The Grand Opening is this Saturday, so for those that want to know why "it's good to be naughty" you should put on your most wild and alluring Wicked wear - but no ripped jeans, khakis, caps or sneakers...this isn't just any Swinger's Club. It's Wicked.

London pub affaires

El Rootica - Coco Bango

Nice drink

Youtopia party

Party People!!!

"Before I die I want to..." attend a sex party: Top 10 tips

Top Ten Tips on Attending a Sex Party

1. Avoid any sex party--or "play party," as the kids these days like to call them--that doesn't have any rules. Seriously, do you really want to be groped while waiting in line for the bathroom? Rules mean that you get to say who, you get to say where, and you get to say when, just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

2. Like we said in our Impertinent Question video, orgies work best when you're feeling brave, jealousy-free, and perhaps slightly detached. Meaning, a booty call makes a great orgy date.

3. That said, for some people the whole point is to attend with a long-term partner. Just make sure that you're both equally into the idea. And agree in advance exactly how far you're willing to go. (Most play parties are okay with newcomers just making out with each other in the corner.)

4. Orgies with themes--e.g. Venetian masks--are pleasantly festive and might help make the eventual group nudity feel a little more normal.

5. If you're worried you might end up swinging with retired school teachers or dirty old men, then choose a sex party with a strict door code, like One Leg Up in N.Y.C. Go to the orgy you almost can't get into.

6. Worried you might bump into your boss? Then consider a dirty weekend trip to London to check out theKilling Kittens sex parties there. (The name is a play on the old myth that every time a woman masturbates, God kills a kitten in retribution.)

[Video: How often do you masturbate?]

7. We know you're nervous, but don't get stumbling drunk. You don't want to do anything you'll regret in the morning--and orgies are teeming with opportunities to do things you might regret in the morning! Plus, being raging drunk is just kind of a party foul at sophisticated sex parties. (A glass or two is okay, though--those people who can swing stone-cold sober are a higher breed of being.)

8. Women-focused sex parties tend to be the best, so stick to orgies where all men must be accompanied by a female date. (Unless you're, duh, a gay man.)

9. If the orgy doesn't insist on--or at least strongly encourage--safer sex, then stay away.

[Video: Everything you ever wanted to know about condoms!]

10. Avoid any orgies taking place at your local Holiday Inn.

Cocktail party tips

A cocktail party should last 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Be sure to note the end time on the invitation, says Leslie Brenner, independent editor and writer in Los Angeles.

• Greet guests with a drink when they walk in, says Colleen Mullaney, author of "It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere."

• Small ice cubes dilute drinks quickly. Instead, use big cubes and chill ingredients such as juices in advance, says H. Joseph Ehrmann, proprietor of Elixir, a certified green bar in San Francisco, and founder

• Vodka is the most popular spirit, so offer it in a cocktail, says Ehrmann. Consider offering tequila or bourbon as a second spirit - two is enough.

• Save money on the mixtures by infusing your own simple syrup with herbs and spices instead of buying prepared syrups, says Ehrmann.

• Create your bar away from your food buffet. "That will spread people out across the area so there is no congestion," says Jon-Paul Hutchins, executive chef at Scottsdale Culinary Institute in Arizona.

• Surprise guests by bringing food out in waves, Hutchins says.

• Burn a candle in the bathroom for atmosphere and fragrance, Brenner says.

Don't sweat the small stuff

• To make the most of your holiday cocktail party, plan out your buffet areas the night before, says Hutchins. "Lay out exactly where everything is going to be the next day. Lay out the dishes and then put a Post-it on each dish to tell you what's going in the dish," Hutchins says.

• Buy prepared foods such as frozen meatballs and add your own sauce, says Mullaney.

• Serve only one dessert. Chocolate fondue is easy and fun, says Hutchins.

• Serve equal amounts of hot and cold appetizers, but make many ahead of time, Hutchins says.

• A slow cooker is a great way to keep something warm without fuss, says Annette Flores, test kitchen manager for Williams-Sonoma.

• Purchase extra cheese and bread in case you run out of food, Flores says.

• Solicit a friend or family member to help at the party, Hutchins says. Or hire a college student from a culinary school or bartending program, suggests Brenner.

• Don't worry about every detail. If you plan well, you should be able to sit back and enjoy the party, Flores says.

Decor on a dime

David Tutera, event planner in New York and author of "The Party Planner," (Bulfinch Press; 2005, $29.95), offers these tips for adding ambience without breaking the bank.

• Choose one color scheme - such as red - and mix and match shades and patterns for a dramatic effect.

• Create dinner chargers to frame serving plates by wrapping thick magazines or phone books with fancy wrapping paper. Using various heights will add pizzazz to your table setting. You can also serve food directly on the homemade charger.

• Use holiday tags to label drinks so guests know whether drinks are alcoholic or non-alcoholic.

• Buy jingle bells and use a ribbon to tie them on the glass instead of wine charms.

• Turn down the lights and illuminate the room with votive candles and holiday lights.

• Give take-home gifts such as holiday cookie cutters. Hang gifts on the tree as ornaments.

What have they on their mounths??? ttt

Give me a call when they do this in Kansas

She is liking nice

Girly girls

well she loves this beat

If this is not a party ???

Hustler Party "The Real Thing"

!!! Only one picture available at this time...

Four Recipes for Lightly Colored Non-Alcoholic Punch

Here are four recipes for lightly colored non-alcoholic punches made with club soda or 7-Up.

Light Punch 1
Mix together and freeze: six cups of water, one cup sugar, ninety two ounces of pineapple juice and two 12 ounce cans of both frozen lemonade concentrate and frozen orange juice concentrate. Place the frozen mixture in a very large punch bowl. Pour 7-Up or club soda to create an icy mixture that will turn slushy.

Light Punch 2
In a large punch bowl, pour two cans each of frozen orange juice concentrate and frozen lemonade concentrate. Add eight cups of water, two cups of grenadine syrup, an amount of lemon juice equivalent to three lemons and twelve cups of 7-Up or club soda. Slice and garnish with lemon and orange slices.

Light Punch 3
Chill and add forty six ounces each of both pineapple and orange juice in a large punch bowl. Carefully add eight cups of 7-Up and stir slowly in to avoid losing all the carbonate bubbles. Add four cups of your favorite lightly colored sherbet. Garnish with strawberries.

Light Punch 4
Blend in a large punch bowl, two quarts of white grape juice, eight cups of 7-Up and 4 cups of club soda.

Ideas for a Beach Birthday Bash

So you've decided to have a beach birthday party at the local watering hole. Here are some ideas in the way of beach food, activities and beach birthday party decorations.

Beach food: this is a party that begs for grilled food. Hot dogs, chicken, hamburgers and macaroni and potato salads are a must. Spice up your burgers with various toppings such as pineapple slices, mushrooms, onions and avocados.‚ Set up a cooler full of sodas and other beverages as well.

Beach activities: look into watercraft rentals offered at many beaches, bays and lakes. If your party is going to continue into the evening, look for a place that allows campfires so you can roast marshmallows. Other options include sandcastle building contests, water balloon catching contests‚ and beach limbo using a bamboo pole. Frisbees, volleyball and back gammon are also good beach games.

Beach birthday party decorations: decorate the buffet table by covering it with a beach blanket. Place food on top of an old surfboard or one bought in a party store. Or make your own surfboard with plywood and paint. You can also stand up surfboards in the sand around the party area. Play beach music such the Beach Boys or a CD of tropical steel drums. For invitations, send the specifics on a deflated beach ball guests must inflate to read (and ask them to bring the balls to the party for more fun beach activities). Decorate tables with shells -- either from the beach itself or bought from a party store. Drape fisherman's nets around the area and attach some starfish and buoys to them.

CCCP Party


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Not that ..this one!!!