"Before I die I want to..." attend a sex party: Top 10 tips

Top Ten Tips on Attending a Sex Party

1. Avoid any sex party--or "play party," as the kids these days like to call them--that doesn't have any rules. Seriously, do you really want to be groped while waiting in line for the bathroom? Rules mean that you get to say who, you get to say where, and you get to say when, just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

2. Like we said in our Impertinent Question video, orgies work best when you're feeling brave, jealousy-free, and perhaps slightly detached. Meaning, a booty call makes a great orgy date.

3. That said, for some people the whole point is to attend with a long-term partner. Just make sure that you're both equally into the idea. And agree in advance exactly how far you're willing to go. (Most play parties are okay with newcomers just making out with each other in the corner.)

4. Orgies with themes--e.g. Venetian masks--are pleasantly festive and might help make the eventual group nudity feel a little more normal.

5. If you're worried you might end up swinging with retired school teachers or dirty old men, then choose a sex party with a strict door code, like One Leg Up in N.Y.C. Go to the orgy you almost can't get into.

6. Worried you might bump into your boss? Then consider a dirty weekend trip to London to check out theKilling Kittens sex parties there. (The name is a play on the old myth that every time a woman masturbates, God kills a kitten in retribution.)

[Video: How often do you masturbate?]

7. We know you're nervous, but don't get stumbling drunk. You don't want to do anything you'll regret in the morning--and orgies are teeming with opportunities to do things you might regret in the morning! Plus, being raging drunk is just kind of a party foul at sophisticated sex parties. (A glass or two is okay, though--those people who can swing stone-cold sober are a higher breed of being.)

8. Women-focused sex parties tend to be the best, so stick to orgies where all men must be accompanied by a female date. (Unless you're, duh, a gay man.)

9. If the orgy doesn't insist on--or at least strongly encourage--safer sex, then stay away.

[Video: Everything you ever wanted to know about condoms!]

10. Avoid any orgies taking place at your local Holiday Inn.


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